World Urban Forum 11 – Katowice, Poland

The 11th session of the Forum will be organized from June 26 to 30, 2022, in Katowice (Poland), on the theme “Transforming our cities for a better urban future”. Organized by UN-Habitat since 2002, the World Urban Forum is the main international conference on urban development. The FUM is a multi-stakeholder event, a place for exchanging experiences of all urban stakeholders: public, private, civil society, researchers and academics, etc.

France at the World Urban Forum 11

The members of the PFVT (communities, businesses, professionals, NGOs, researchers and the State) are mobilizing through 11 workshops to develop common proposals for various international events, in particular the World Urban Forums on sustainable cities and territories, organized every two years by UN-Habitat.

For this 11th session, the PFVT renews its commitment to bringing together French urban and territorial stakeholders, to contribute to rethinking the New Urban Agenda and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, by taking a detour through desired futures . The joint contribution of French stakeholders from the city and territories will therefore attempt to outline desired horizons for cities and territories, and propose tools, public policies and recommendations to be mobilized. Find the PFVT’s 2021-2022 workshops!

In the meantime, connect to the WUF 11 website, or to the UN-Habitat website.

Download the program : in French / in English


Review of FUM 11

The restitution seminar of the World Urban Forum 11 took place on Wednesday September 14 at 3 p.m. in hybrid format, live from the National Assembly.

Find the program  and presentation of the restitution seminar

Program of the French Pavilion

10h – Cérémonie d’ouverture du 11ème Forum Urbain Mondial


Thématique : « France et Europe »

15h30 – Inauguration du pavillon France

Thématique « innovation, climat et territoires en France et en Europe »

18h – Evénement et soirée délégation française à la Fabrique de Porcelaine de Katowice

Thématiques : “Coopérations entre la France et l’Afrique”
“Coopérations entre la France et l’Amérique Latine”
Jeudi 30 JUIN
Thématiques : “Logement et construction durable”
“Risques et développement urbain”


16h – Cérémonie de clôture du Forum Urbain Mondial